Saturday 23 July 2016


Program to Read and Display elements of One dimensional array

Write a program to Read and Display elements of One Dimensional Array

void main()
        int n, i, a[100];
        printf("\nEnter the number of elements:");
        scanf("%d", &n);
        printf("\nEnter the elements:");
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                        scanf("%d", &a[i]);
        printf("\nArray elements are: ");
        for(i=0; i<n; i++)
                        printf("%d ", a[i]);
Enter the number of elements:   5
Enter the elements:  1  2 3 4 5

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Data Structures and Applications(15CS33): Module 1

Data Structures and Applications (15CS33):

Module 1

Click on the respective topics: 

MTech AOS Lab (14SCS16)

MTech Advanced Algorithm Lab (14SCS26)

Sunday 17 July 2016

Program 5: Rabin Karp String Matching

MTech VTU Advanced Algorithm Lab (2nd sem)

Design, develop, and write a program to solve String matching problem using Rabin Karp algorithm and determine its performance.

#define d 256

void search(char pat[], char txt[], int q)
            int M = strlen(pat);
            int N = strlen(txt);
            int i, j;
            int p = 0;
            int t = 0;
            int h = 1;

            for (i = 0; i < M-1; i++)
                        h = (h*d) % q;
            for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
                        p = (d*p + pat[i]) % q;
                        t = (d*t + txt[i]) % q;
            for (i = 0; i <= N - M; i++)
                    if ( p == t )
                                for (j = 0; j < M; j++)
                                                if (txt[i+j] != pat[j])
                                   if (j == M)
                                                printf("\nPattern found at index %d", i);

                        if ( i < N-M )
                                    t = (d*(t - txt[i]*h) + txt[i+M]) % q;
                                    if (t < 0)
                                                t = (t + q);

int main()
            char txt[30], pat[30];
            int q = 101; // A prime number
            printf("\n Enter the text:");
            printf("\n Enter the pattern:");
            search(pat, txt, q);
            return 0;

 Enter the text: abacbaaababa
 Enter the pattern: aba

Pattern found at index 0
Pattern found at index 7
Pattern found at index 9

Program 4: Finite Automata string matching

MTech VTU Advanced Algorithm Lab (2nd sem)

Design, develop, and write a program to solve String matching problem using Finite Automata and determine its performance.

#define CHARS 256

int getNextState(char pat[30], int M, int state, int x)
            int ns, i;
            if (state < M && x == pat[state])
                        return state+1;
            for (ns = state; ns > 0; ns--)
                        if(pat[ns-1] == x)
                                    for(i = 0; i < ns-1; i++)
                                                if (pat[i] != pat[state-ns+1+i])
                                    if (i == ns-1)
                                                return ns;
            return 0;

void computeTF(char pat[30], int M, int TF[][CHARS])
            int state, x;
            for (state = 0; state <= M; ++state)
                        for (x = 0; x < CHARS; ++x)
                                    TF[state][x] = getNextState(pat, M,  state, x);

void search(char pat[30], char txt[30])
            int M = strlen(pat);
            int N = strlen(txt);
            int TF[M+1][CHARS];
            int i, state=0;
            computeTF(pat, M, TF);
           for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
                        state = TF[state][txt[i]];
                        if (state == M)
                                    printf ("\nPattern found at index %d", i-M+1);

int main()
            char txt[30], pat[30];
            printf("\nEnter the text:");
            printf("\nEnter the pattern:");
            search(pat, txt);
            return 0;


Case 1:
Enter the text: ababacabaabcaba
Enter the pattern: aba
Pattern found at index 0
Pattern found at index 2
Pattern found at index 6
Pattern found at index 12

Case 2:
Enter the text: abababacaba
Enter the pattern: ababaca
Pattern found at index 2

Program 3: Naive and KMP

MTech VTU Advanced Algorithm Lab (2nd sem)

Design, develop, and write a program to solve string matching problem using naïve approach and the KMP algorithm. Compare their performances.

int NaiveString(char t[30],char p[30], int n, int m);
int KMP(char t[30],char p[30], int n, int m);

int main()
            int n, m;
            char p[15], t[50];
            printf("\n Enter the text:");
            printf("\n Enter the pattern:");
            n = strlen(t);
            m = strlen(p);
           printf("\nNaive String Algorithm: ");
            NaiveString(t, p, n, m);
            printf("\n\n\nKMP String Algorithm: ");
            KMP(t, p, n, m);

int NaiveString(char t[30], char p[30], int n, int m)
            int i, j, found=0;
            for(i = 0; i < =n-m; i++)
                        for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
                                    if(t[i+j] != p[j])
                        if(j == m)
                                 printf("\n   The pattern found at position:%d", i+1);
                                 found = 1;
              if(found == 0)
                        printf("\n   Pattern not found");

int KMP(char t[30], char p[30], int n, int m)
            int pi[25];
            int i, k, flag = 1;
            pi[0] = 0, k = 0;
            for(i = 1; i < m; i++)
                        while((k>0) && (p[k] != p[i]))
                                    k = pi[k-1];
                        if(p[k] == p[i])
                        pi[i] = k;

            printf("\nPI[] array is as follows:\n");
            for(i = 0; i < m; printf("\nPI[%d] = %d", i, pi[i]), i++);
            k = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        while(k>0 && (p[k] != t[i]))
                                    k = pi[k-1];
                        if(p[k] == t[i])
                        if(k == m)
                                    flag = 0;
                                    printf("\n  Pattern match occurs at position %d:", i-m+2);
                                    k = pi[k-1];
            if(flag == 1)
                        printf("\n Pattern not found!!!\n\n");
            return 0;


Case 1:
Enter the text: bacbabababacaca
Enter the pattern: ababaca
Naive String Algorithm:
   The pattern found at position: 7

KMP String Algorithm:
PI[] array is as follows:
PI[0] = 0
PI[1] = 0
PI[2] = 1
PI[3] = 2
PI[4] = 3
PI[5] = 0
PI[6] = 1
    Pattern match occurs at position: 7

Case 2:
Enter the text: aabaacaadaabaaabaa
Enter the pattern: aaba
Naive String Algorithm:
   The pattern found at position:1
   The pattern found at position:10
   The pattern found at position:14

KMP String Algorithm:
PI[] array is as follows:
PI[0] = 0
PI[1] = 1
PI[2] = 0
PI[3] = 1
  Pattern match occurs at position: 1
  Pattern match occurs at position: 10
  Pattern match occurs at position: 14