Showing posts with label multiple sleeping barbers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multiple sleeping barbers. Show all posts

Sunday 17 July 2016

Program 3: simulate multiple sleeping barbers

MTech Advanced Operating Systems Lab(14SCS16) (1st sem)

Write a multi-class multithreaded program that simulates multiple sleeping barbers, all in one barbershop that has a finite number of chairs in the waiting room. Each customer is instantiated from a single customer class; each barber is instantiated from a single Barber class.

import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class SleepingBarber extends Thread
            public static Semaphore customers = new Semaphore(0);     
            public static Semaphore barber = new Semaphore(0);
            public static Semaphore accessSeats = new Semaphore(1);

            /*  the number of chairs in this barbershop is 5. */
            public static final int CHAIRS = 5;
            public static int numberOfFreeSeats = CHAIRS;

            /* THE CUSTOMER THREAD */

            class Customer extends Thread
                        int iD;
                        boolean notCut = true;

                        /* Constructor for the Customer */
                        public Customer(int i)
                                    iD = i;

                        public void run()
                               while (notCut)
                                    // as long as the customer is not cut
                                                if (numberOfFreeSeats > 0)
                                                            System.out.println("Customer "+this.iD+" just sat down.");
                                                            numberOfFreeSeats--;  //sitting down on a chair
                                             customers.release();  //notify the barber that there is a customer
                                              accessSeats.release();  // don't need to lock the chairs anymore 
                                                                        notCut = false;
                                                                        this.get_haircut();  //cutting...
                                                            catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
                                                            // there are no free seats
                                                       System.out.println("There are no free seats. Customer " + this.iD +                                                                                      " has left the barbershop.");
                                                           accessSeats.release();  //release the lock on the seats
                                    catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
                            }   //while ends
                    }   // public void run() ends

                  /* this method will simulate getting a hair-cut */
                        public void get_haircut()
                                    System.out.println("Customer " + this.iD + " is getting his hair cut");
                                    catch (InterruptedException ex) {}
            } //customer class ends here


            /* THE BARBER THREAD */
            class Barber extends Thread
                        public Barber() {}
                        public void run()
                                    {  // runs in an infinite loop
                                                            customers.acquire(); //tries to acquire a customer, if none                                                                                                   available, he  goes to sleep
                                                            accessSeats.release(); // at this time he has been woken up
                                                            numberOfFreeSeats++; // one chair gets free
                                                            barber.release();           // the barber is ready to cut
                                                            accessSeats.release(); // no need of lock on the chairs anymore
                                                            this.cutHair();               //cutting...
                                                } catch (InterruptedException ex) {}

                        /* this method will simulate cutting hair */
                        public void cutHair()
                                    System.out.println("The barber is cutting hair");
                                    } catch (InterruptedException ex){ }
            }       //barber class ends here

             /* main method */
            public static void main(String args[])
                        SleepingBarber barberShop = new SleepingBarber();  //Creates a new barbershop

             public void run()
                        Barber b = new Barber(); 
                        b.start();  //Ready for another day of work

                        /* This method will create new customers for a while */
                        for (int i=1; i<16; i++)
                                    Customer aCustomer = new Customer(i);
                                    catch(InterruptedException ex) {};
}// program ends here

ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/lab$ gedit
ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/lab$ javac
ubuntu@ubuntu-VirtualBox:~/lab$ java SleepingBarber
Customer 1 just sat down.
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 1 is getting his hair cut
Customer 2 just sat down.
Customer 3 just sat down.
Customer 2 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 4 just sat down.
Customer 5 just sat down.
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 3 is getting his hair cut
Customer 6 just sat down.
Customer 7 just sat down.
Customer 8 just sat down.
Customer 4 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 9 just sat down.
There are no free seats. Customer 10 has left the barbershop.
Customer 5 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 11 just sat down.
There are no free seats. Customer 12 has left the barbershop.
There are no free seats. Customer 13 has left the barbershop.
Customer 6 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 14 just sat down.
There are no free seats. Customer 15 has left the barbershop.
Customer 7 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 8 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 9 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 11 is getting his hair cut
The barber is cutting hair
Customer 14 is getting his hair cut

The barber is cutting hair